318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Wound Care

If your pet experiences a wound, contact us.We will assess the location of the wound, the severity of the wound, and the contamination of the wound before deciding on treatment. Often, to promote quicker healing, the veterinarian will close and suture the wound. This may require the pet to receive anesthesia. If the wound cannot be surgically closed, the veterinarian might bandage the wound and prescribe antibiotics.Your veterinarian may also prescribe anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications to make your pet comfortable.
Sometimes dog collars or other items are used to keep the pet from licking and aggravating the wound. After the wound has been treated, keep the area clean by using tap water and a cleaning solution prescribed by the veterinarian.  Do not use human soaps or solutions or human medications. These can be toxic to animals.

Contact us for more information about Wound Care and to make an appointment.